Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Very Full Week

So far so good, well at least for the first full week of class and all that accompanies it. It is quite amazing how much a mind can absorb in such a short time. But for a mind that has been starved for a lifetime of what it really wants to know, I do not find it so difficult to comprehend.
The pace has definitely picked up to a nice tempo, but it is manageable. Nothing that 6 or 7 hours of studying a day cannot handle...The most consuming is the Anatomy which is also the most interesting at this point. We began dissecting on Monday which was quite an experience in itself, much more fantastic than discovering some deserted beach or dragging the mangled muffler of a tiny silver car half away across a Caribbean Island.
I have discovered that the body is like a landscape and with the proper map and the proper tools and a little determination one can find many of its secrets. How the muscles attach to the various bones and make us move and how the nerves and vessels all thread themselves through everything to drive all these muscles is mesmerizing. We had a good architect somewhere along the line, did we not!
Time has become a precious commodity, sleep, study time, class time, time to decompress, time to wash clothes and dishes and even time to eat have to all be balanced...completely. One can not overpower the other, time cannot be diverted from one to appease another.

I did make another discovery today, this island plays host to some enormous snails. This guy was right out my apartment door chewing on a discarded chicken leg and growling, easily 6-7 inches long


  1. Charlie says, "YUCK! I don't like that!"


  2. That is so disgusting! Give me a flying cockroach over that any day.
